Course description:
The ISKCON Disciples Course (IDC) is a training program that gives an in-depth understanding of guru tattva and guru padasraya within the multi-guru culture of ISKCON.
The course has been developed under the direction of the Guru Services Committee. Leading educators of ISKCON have contributed greatly to the course. The course is based on the teachings of Srila Prabhupada and current ISKCON Law with reference to the writings from the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition.
IDC has been designed for new devotees preparing to take initiation in ISKCON. The course is also recommended for leaders, preachers, counselors, and educators within ISKCON.
Course Contents:
Course Materials :
IDC Handbook
Target Audience:
1. Chanting 16 rounds atleast for last 1 year
2. Observing 4 regulative principles atleast for last 1 year
Assessment Plan :
Online Exam
Course Requirement :
As per the guidelines of Guru Services Committee, to be qualified to attend ISKCON Disciples Course, the students must chant minimum 16 rounds of Hare Krishna maha-mantra daily & follow the four regulative principles.
You need to submit a recommendation letter by the ISKCON center authority you are connected with. Please download the recommendation letter format from this link below
Submit recommendation letter here
Upload the scanned copy of the signed form here in this google form below
Upload the scan copy here
-Please note that your admission will not be confirmed unless we have received the recommendation letter.
-The regulations to be followed during the exam.
-All students should agree for the following requirements regarding the online exam before taking admission to the course:-
1. Exam will be conducted online (on cloud meetings).
2. Answers should be hand written, no electronic devices are allowed for typing.
3. Candidate should be having two devices live on cloud meetings. One will cover the candidate writing his answers as well as the screen of the front device. The second/front device will be used by the candidate to see the question paper.
4. Immediately after the exam, the candidate has to scan his answer sheet in front of the front device camera & upload the same within the stipulated time.
Start Date & End Date
Total Classes
1 Subject
1 Exercises • 1 Learning Materials
Narsimha Avatar Das is an engineer by profession & has worked in the industry for 30 years, for companies like IBM, Infosys, Tata technologies, etc. and has worked in various parts of India, Middle east and Europe. He got introduced to Krishna consciousness in Dubai in 2001 and since 2004 is connected with ISKCON Pune. His current services included teaching Bhakti Shastri, ISKCON Disciple Course, Campus preaching for new people, taking care of congregation devotees as a mentor, Deity related services, etc.
He is also currently studying Bhakti Vaibhav course. He, along with his wife are trying to dedicate rest of their lives in the service of Srila Prabhupada movement. He sincerely desires to share his experience, the message of Srila Prabhupada’s books and his understanding with others
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