Course Description:
Welcome to the self-study course on "Raising Children in a Krishna-Conscious Way." This course is designed to inspire and guide parents in nurturing their children within a Krishna-conscious framework. The primary aim is to help parents recognize their pivotal role in creating a spiritual environment for their precious offspring.
Course Content:
Course Requirements:
To make the most of this self-study course, it is recommended that you possess a primary understanding of Krishna consciousness or have a willingness to learn and explore this spiritual philosophy.
Target Audience:
This self-study course is suitable for parents who are interested in raising their children within a Krishna-conscious environment. It is designed for individuals seeking guidance and inspiration on this important journey.
Course Objectives:
Start Date & End Date
1 Subject
2 Learning Materials
520 Courses • 66353 Students
ISKCON Bhagavat Mahavidyalaya aims to provide a facility for its members to study, practice, and disseminate the teachings of Srimad Bhagavatam, along with the writings of the Gaudiya Vaisnava acaryas and the branches of Vedic philosophy, culture, music and science in the context of Srila Prabhupada’s teachings. ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya is located in Sri Govardhan dhama to systematically propagate the teachings of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and Caitanya-caritāmṛta to the society at large.
To accomplish the above mission, ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya will facilitate philosophical training for adult residential and non-residential students through the traditional Vedic educational methods. ISKCON Bhagavat Mahavidyalaya has been inspired by the service and efforts of His Grace Gopiparanadhana Prabhu and His Holiness Gaur Krishna Gosvami Maharaja. Their dedication toward the study and the dissemination of the teachings of Srimad Bhagavatam is the torchlight guiding us forward to serve this mission.
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